Table of Contents

Getting Started

Import the project

Project is bundled as a NuGet package: NAsciidoc.Core. The easiest to import it is to run dotnet add package NAsciidoc.Core command on your project (csproj).

Once done you have access to the two main entry points:

NAsciidoc.Parser.Parser : the Asciidoc parser, it loads the document passed as parameter as an AST,

NAsciidoc.Renderer.AsciidoctorLikeHtmlRenderer : a simple HTML renderer mimicing as much as possible Asciidoctor rendering - enabling to reuse asciidoctor.css style sheet.

Render a document

To render a document with previous classes just run:

// load the AST
var context = new ParserContext(new LocalContentResolver("path/to/workspace"));
var doc = new Parser.Parser().Parse(
    = My Adoc

    With some content.

// render as HTML - configuration has some customization
var conf = new AsciidoctorLikeHtmlRenderer.Configuration();
var renderer = new AsciidoctorLikeHtmlRenderer(conf);

// print the rendered HTML document
var html = renderer.Result();

The renderer is a Visitor<x> which basically goes thru the AST to create an output. It is easy to implement to get another rendering and potentially something else than HTML (for example it can be used to render a document as a Spectre.Console output, a PDF, etc...).


By default the project is integrated with NAsciidoc.Ascii2SVG which is a dotnet port of ascii2svg. It is usable in asciidoc blocks:


= My Doc

[a2s, format="svg"] .... .-------------------------. | | | .---.-. .-----. .-----. | | | .-. | +--> | | <--| | | | '-' | | <--| +--> | | | '---'-' '-----' '-----' | | ascii 2 svg | | | '-------------------------' ....